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A slightly off-piste topic, but one I hope is still relevant to our gardening lovers - Wild Flowers. Have you seen any lately? I'm a keen walker and with two dogs to keep entertained I find myself walking mainly in wooded and wild areas. I like to think that I am in tune with my surroundings and the natural flora and fauna of the seasons. However, I have been completely astonished by the variety and volume of wildflowers I have come across in the last month. I have lived in the same area coming on 4 years now and have never experienced the magnitude and vibrancy of the wildflowers that I have seen this year.

To put this into context, when I moved here a few years ago I was due to get married. Being a keen gardener I was desperate to grow my own wedding flowers. I planted lots of lovely hydrangeas in pots and was very excited about nurturing them and watching them grow over the summer. Having just moved into a new home I hadn't considered that the position of the garden wasn't ideal for growing Hydrangeas. They didn't receive enough sunlight and had a constant wind chill from the beach nearby. Needless to say, the crop was doomed. By this point It was too late (and expensive) to order wedding flowers from a florist. I decided that my best option was to pick wildflowers. The day before my wedding one of my maids and I ventured off to a local woodland area to pick some wildflowers. We returned with a lovely selection of Heather, Red Clover and a few other bits and bobs. Although it suited my DIY wedding just fine, there certainly wasn't a massive selection of flowers to choose from. Nothing in comparison to the variety of wildflowers I have come across this year.

I'm accustomed to seeing lots of Foxgloves at this time of year. I actually keep my eyes peeled for them as they are one of my favourite wildflowers. However, I have seen such a vibrant variety this year. I have come across fields bustling with them, growing to twice my height and in beautiful pastel colours. I have also never seen such an abundance of Elderflower. It seems to be absolutely everywhere. I even have some growing in my garden for the first time. I have been researching all the wonderful things you can do with Elderflower. There are many recipes online teaching you how to make Elderflower cordial. I have also come across some recipes for Elderflower gin that I might try when I am feeling a bit more adventurous. I also read that Elderflower has medicinal purposes, who knew? Apparently, Elderflower can be used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory treatment. I have also seen a huge selection of our national flower - The Thistle. Thistle's are fairly common at this time of year, however, I'm amazed again at the volume that I am seeing and how furiously they are growing. I cant remember a time when I have ever seen Thistles grow to such heights. Alongside all of these lovely flowers, there is also huge quantities of Daisies, Heather, Red Clover, Grose, Hawkweed, Honeysuckle and Knapweed.

Have a look at some of the snaps of the flowers I have taken whilst out walking.

I can only assume that the recent and continued spell of sunny weather has had a substantial impact on the growth of these flowers. I really do hope their growth continues. Its been such a joy spotting and admiring all of these lovely flowers. Its been educational too. I'm seeing and learning of so many different wildflowers species that I have never encountered before.

If you have an interest in wilds flowers and would like to integrate some into your garden then get in touch. The team at J.R. Evans can help you design your garden and can incorporate some of these lovely flowers to the design. We can also help you with ongoing garden maintenance to ensure your garden stays lovely and manicured all year round. Get in touch via the contact form on the website or you can call, email or send us a message via facebook.



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